Samson by Regina Spektor The whole song is a Biblical allusion to Samson and Delilah. I don’t really want to explain it right now, but …
Prince Turned Into A Frog
Fairy tales usually starts with, once upon a time and ends with, and they lived happily ever after. My fairy tale was extraordinary. It started …
I Love The Feast: A Pure Heart
I Love The Feast: A Pure Heart: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,” is without a doubt the most comprehensive …
Gift Of Eyesight
I started wearing eye glasses when I was on 4th grade. Well, I’m not a geeky student but I admit, I am a bookworm. My …
Bad Boy Complex
Some people doesn’t get it why I always fall for the bad guy. Okay, let me rephrase that. I “used” to fall for the bad …
Home Of Abandoned Angels
Angels are also known as “messengers”. They can be a messenger of hope, love, peace or prosperity. My favorite angel is my son. He constantly …
Our Everyday Miracle
It’s almost the end of the month, I am very happy to say that Baby Gabriel’s 3rd month is just around the corner. Another reason …
A year older, A year wiser
I officially marked my 28th year of existence. I am proud it. I am not afraid of counting years because for me each year is …