It is Arriana’s first official year in CFA Homeschool. If you have been following me in my social media, you know that I’ve been homeschooling …

It is Arriana’s first official year in CFA Homeschool. If you have been following me in my social media, you know that I’ve been homeschooling …
Nosh and Kickstarters PH teamed up for an outta’ this world of parent-child bonding activity. Arriana had fun playing soccer with her Super Strawberry team. As you know, Arriana always plays with her brother. But this time around, there are professional coaches guiding them. I like how Kickstarters PH adjust to each kids and not the other way around. Arriana was able to follow the drills and even wanted to continue playing even after the game.
I am so excited about this because Corregidor has been part of my career life before when I was still working with Travel People, a sub business unit of Magsaysay Shipping. I’ve been to the Island several times and I’ve been wanting to visit again with the kids since we are homeschooling. Yes, Corregidor is a perfect classroom for homeschool mom like me.
Kids love airplanes regardless of their genders. Arriana would often waved goodbye when she see it up in the sky. Every Sunday, we visit Mamun …
Rapunzel is one of the most popular fairy tales already during my childhood years The story is about a long-haired girl trapped in a tower. …
This was Addy’s first time in Baguio. He went there with my Uncle Allan and Auntie Pet. It was a perfect time for him to …
It was quite challenging to homeschool Addy for the first time but it came out as a success. First quarter projects of Addy for Art …
It will be our first flight as a family. Technically, it is Addy’s second time to ride the plane while it is Arriana’s first time. …
Last June 24-25, we spent our long weekend in Batangas. Together with my mother-in-law’s side, we went to Calubcub Bay, El Jardin De Zaida, Basaliya …