Tiny Bud’s HAHA The Happy Hippo Storybook Launch

It always brings me extra joy to meet people who shares the same advocacy or values or even beliefs with me. My friends know that one of my life saying is, “happiness is a choice” you can choose to be happy or choose otherwise. We make sure to teach our kids to always choose happiness. For them to live in their now. Choosing happiness follows contentment. To be content with what you have.

The Newest Jollibee Party Theme for 2019 Is Here! Jollitown Theme Park Party Theme

Arriana and Amanda can not enjoy going to the theme parks yet because of age and height requirements in each ride that’s why we are grateful that Jollibee invited us together with other media friends, bloggers and influencers and their children to the official launch of the Jollitown Theme Park party last April 27, 2019 at Jollibee Biopolis Macapagal, Pasay City. My family and friends know how much my children loves Jollibee. You can never go wrong with a Jollibee party because it has various fun kiddie party themes that will surely make each celebration memorable and special. 


Better, Faster, Stronger Day 2 (shooting drills)

I wasn’t able to take a video of the entire session because my 2 girls woke up late. So I do not have drills video but I was able to capture their shooting drills!

I was so happy to know that Addy had fun. If you know Addy, you know how shy he is. My mom just dropped him off then we just followed 20 minutes before we pick him up. Addy wanted to stay! That’s a good sign. He normally doesnt want to be alone. He will wait for my husband or his uncle to play ball with him but never alone.