
I Love The Feast: Left or Right? My will or His?

I Love The Feast: Left or Right? My will or His?Last Sunday’s special talk was about God’s will.  We all struggle with questions about our future. Questions like: How can I know God’s plan for my life? Is this the right job for me? Is this the person God wants me to marry? There are others as well. 

Bro. Randy cited 4 types of people: the Fatalistic who relies on fate alone and exerts no effort; the Frantic who lacks trust; the Frustrated who is never contented; and the Fearful who is afraid that God will answer his prayer. Some people are reluctant to trust God completely with their lives. Sometimes, God is already providing them the clear signs but they still ask for more because they are afraid that God will change their plans. We should remember that God knows what’s best for us. But since he gave us free will, we can decide if we will follow Him, or follow our own decisions. In the end, when we use our free will and things turn out differently, we come to God and blame Him for our misery, not remembering He showed us signs. Does this mean that we mess up our lives because we miss God’s signs? No, because we can be sure that we can have second chances. 

There are 3 parts in God’s will: His Providential (Or Sovereign) Will that is symbolized by guardrails; His Moral Will where we live out His commandment; and His Personal Will which are like the road signs around us. The more signs, the easier it is to get where you want to be. God’s will is a relationship. 

The secret in discovering God’s will for our lives is getting to know God. Listen and trust the one who knows the way. Receive God’s grace. 

Many try so hard to discover the will of God that they lose the joy of knowing the Lord. Stand for Him, know and do what is in God’s heart, and walk with the Holy Spirit. He will guide us in making most important decisions in life. 

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