Sweet tooth
I rather receive chocolates than flowers. I love cakes and ice creams, these are my so called “happy food”
I grew up in a family who loves to travel. I remember how we went to Pagudpud with no plans at all. I love to travel within and outside the Philippines and explore the beauty of the world and experience different environment, cultures and nature.
I love to read novels from different genre and era. Minus the tagalog ones
I love to write, from poems, songs to my everyday experiences and reflections that why I keep a journal with me. I also write my everyday TO DO’s in my journal. Yes, I am an OC.
Music also keeps me sane (besides Addy and chocolates) I listen to different genre depending on my current mood.
I want to keep every bit of my experiences 
Portable dvd for addy
Being a solo mom of a toddler is tough, I have to bring his magic portable dvd to keep him sane.
Carseat for addy
Since most of the time I drive alone with addy. Its our bff! Of course, addy’s safety is always first
Who doesn’tt like food? I love to explor new and different restaurants.
My handy dandy all around phone, recorder, planner, memo pad, email sender. Do I need to explain further?
I love baby scent colognes and perfumes.
Since I love to travel, I also love to collect magnets from the places thay I visited both local and international.
Since I love to write and I am very sentimental, I keep notes, cards and letters. I also love to give random notes to my loved ones it may be through email, text message or old style “paper/post it’ notes/letters.
I am a beach bum. I love to explore the wonders of different beaches in and out of the country.
We don’t do this in the Philippines, we do this in Canada since there is no beach ala boracay in Canada, this is our family bonding time.
I was in choir since elementary days. I just love to perform onstage. I love to watch musicals, ballet recitals and broadways as well. I must admit, I am an old soul. I saw a few ballet recitals of Ballet Philippines. I also watched Miss Saigon and The Sound Of Music. Next…Mama Mia 
Ariel of little mermaid
She’s my favorite princess! Ijust love Ariel
She brings out the child in me.
Santa Claus
When I was a kidm I used to believe that Santa Claus existed. I am very excited evry Christmas. Now, as a mom, I still do believe that Santa Claus exists. It is our “santa in us”. Us, being the Santa Jesus to other people. For me, the true meaning of Christmas is being a Santa to someone
Yes, I watched PBA since I was in first grad. From Toyota to Ginnebra days, to Ginebra- San Miguel days. My fave? Vince Hizon, Seigle and Abarientos. In NBA, MIAMI HEAT! wooohooo!
BJ Penn makes me oohh gaga.
Especially when I was in Canada, my cousins will watch UFC every night.