
Feast Makati and Taguig Outreach build its second Prayground at Pio Del Pilar Barangay Hall

The Feast Makati and Taguig Outreach Ministry has been doing several initiatives from medical mission, feeding program, gift giving, tree planting, blood letting drives, gawad kalinga build and more. Many of you will know how special this ministry is to me. I’ve been here since 2010. This is also where I met my husband JB.

This year the ministry will be focusing on building Praygrounds within Makati and Taguig.

What is a Prayground?

Prayground targets to address the spiritual well-being of the children in a selected area while having fun at the same time.

A prayground in a selected community in Makati and Taguig shall be built  by volunteers to enable kids to be  introduced exemplary living bible  heroes. It  shall feature lessons as well as  verses in the bible. Long term, it can also be  a venue for character building outreaches.

Our Vision

  • To build 100 praygrounds within Makati and Taguig through Play & Worship.

  • To be a channel of God’s grace, mercy and love to the unchurched and bring them to Feast Makati – Taguig.


Our Mission

  • To provide an intentional sanctuary where young individuals can experience worship through age-appropriate play and worship materials and tools that will help them know more about Jesus.

  • To encourage people to become a blessing to others by giving their time, talent and treasure.

  • To have a partnership with schools and community leaders.

On June 8, 2019, which is also the eve of Pentecost we gather for a two-fold celebration: the birthday of the Church and the blessing of our second (2/100) Prayground at Pio Del Pilar Barangay Hall.

In communication with Kapitana Hazel Ann “Popcorn” Lacia with the help of Kagawad Verong Umandap, we were able to enhanced their one corner play area which the Barangay hall volunteers take advantage of when they need to bring their kids with them. Now, more kids from Barangay Pio Del Pilar will benefit and enjoy the facility. 

Pentecost is not “just another Sunday,” but the second culmination, the highfeast that concludes the Easter celebration. Pentecost, Greek for “50th day,” was originally a Jewish term referring to the 50th day after Passover. For the first Christians, it was the 49th day after Easter, and, counting Easter, a period of 50 days. 

The Acts of the Apostles (2:1-4), refers to Pentecost as the day when the apostles were gathered in the upper room “and suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind. … Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire. … And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Pentecost was the decisive event in the early history of the church, an assurance to the apostles and other disciples that the risen Jesus was fulfilling his promise to send the Holy Spirit to them. Just like how the apostles spread the good news about Jesus, We want our praygrounds to be the youth’s pathway back to Jesus. These praygrounds will be testimonies to know that there is hope amidst their trials through other people. 

We want a safe haven for our youth wherein pray and play can go together.

With these praygrounds, I know we will be able to promote the development of a barrier-free, bias-free world for all children. We hope that with these praygrounds, we will be able to create social interaction for children with all abilities through enabling praygrounds and sustainable programs designed for them. 

I shared all this to Fr Rey of Society of St Paul who graces us with his presence as he bless the prayground. He was delighted to know that we are doing this for our community. Very timely because the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines has announced that it will dedicate 2019 as the “Year of the Youth. This year’s theme is “Filipino Youth in Mission: Beloved, Gifted, Empowered.” 

The Goals of the Year of the Youth

Goal 1: Youth in Formation

An evangelized youth conscious of his/ her giftedness, transformed by a personal encounter with Christ, and growing and maturing through youthful formation and activities.

Goal 2: Youth in the Community, Church and Society

A family-oriented youth whose image of oneself is patterned after the life of Jesus, and who is actively involved in the life of the Church and society through his/ her vocation, profession and stage in life.

Goal 3: Youth in Mission

A youth inspired by the church’s missionary spirit, who, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, courageously shares Christ’s message of joy and hope to people in difficult situations, rekindles the faith of those who drifted from the Church, and promotes dialogue with other faiths.

Goal 4: Youth Ministry and Youth Ministers

A preferential ministry for the young animated by youth ministers who are filled with the spirit of the new evangelization and equipped with pastoral skills and resources, ably responding to youth issues.

Those 4 goals are aligned as well with our Prayground’s vision – mission. Another grace filled observation, flowers are used to decorate churches on this feast. If you can see, God really do his wonders because coincidentally, Our mural designs are all florals. Thematically in time for the Pentecost. 

The descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples is indeed the origin, the “birthday,” of the church.

Pentecost is the festival when Christians celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is regarded as the birthday of the Christian church. Just like the apostles, it was an assurance and reminder for us that Jesus was fulfilling his promise to send the Holy Spirit to us. We were filled with the Holy Spirit today. Today also serves as the birthday of our second prayground. 

We hope you can join us in our upcoming builds. If you have books, old toys or furnitures that you want to donate. Or if you want to volunteer and serve with your time and talent, please feel free to send me an email at leyalmeda@gmail.com or praygroundfmt@gmail.com

You can also like our page at www.facebook.com/thefeastprayground

Send forth thy spirit and they shall be created and thou shalt renew the face of the earth, alleluia, alleluia!


GALLERY: Check out out photos here

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