
Pregnancy | Mommy To Be Must Haves

Carrying another life for 9 months can be exciting, challenging and overwhelming.

With Addy, I had no symptoms at all! 9 months was easy peasy! I was actually expecting to have the same with my second baby however, as they say, no babies are alike and no pregnancy is alike.
I had morning sickness with Arriana. Let me correct that, ALL DAY sickness! I will be able to eat without vomiting around 6pm. Yes, during day time, I will vomit even just a sip of water.
Here are some products that I used while I was pregnant with Arriana

1. Sanicare Portable Travel Bidet

Pregnant or not, this is a must have for me and my family. It is a personal hygiene system. It is very portable. It keeps me fresh all day beyond using a tissue paper. I find it economical and easy to use. This unique personal hygiene system makes cleansing available and convenient. Now that Arriana is here, I always have hers in her baby bag. No more messy nappy change especially when we are outside.

Instagram: sanicare_bidet
 2. Mustela  Stretch Marks Double Action

We definitely love Mustela products from baby, skin, maternity and post partum products. This product was introduced to me by Ate Ruffa Gutierrez. She mentioned to me that she used their products for Lorin and Venice. I am so happy that it is now available here in the Philippines. While pregnant with Addy, I do not have any stretch marks so I am pretty confident with the second one that I wont have BUT it is better to be safe especially I was younger way back with Addy this time might be different. Luckily, I still don’t have stretch marks with my second one.
Instagram: Mustelaphilippines
Their products are also available at Parenting Emporium, 
Babyland Stores, Mother Care, Rustans and in SM Makati
3. Materna Prenatal – Post Partum

Every mom wants the best for their babies. Materna helped me nourished my body. Each tablet contains 23 vitamins and minerals that every woman needs before, during and after pregnancy. One tablet a day is enough. It includes, Folic acid to help prevent neural defects, Iron to help form red blood cells and prevent iron deficiency. It also has Calcium and vitamin D to support bone health. Unfortunately, this is not available in Philippines Market. It is available in US, Canada and Hongkong.
4. K-Mom Nature Free Premium Organic Baby Wipes

Nowadays, most of us prefers to go natural when it comes to food, milk and other items. I am so happy that K-Mom’s Premium Organic Wipes is made up of 99.8% purified water and all-natural plant extract. Yes, it is pure and organic! It has 4 natural ingredients, Organic peppermint, Chamomile, Calendula, and Aloe Vera. I like that it has this clean, fresh aroma suitable for changing nappies or even freshening up.

Instagram: Motherkphilippines
Their products are also available at Parenting Emporium, 
Babyland Stores, Mother Care and Rustans.

5. Belly Buds

Bellybuds helps create a wonderful bonding experience for mom and baby with its specialized speaker system that gently adheres to your belly and allows you to safely play music directly to the womb. Music helps reduce stress levels during pregnancy, enhance the stimulation of your unborn baby’s growing brain and Belly Buds is the safest and most effective first step in connecting with your baby. I love this product as I can use it even if I am on the go. Arriana is definitely a music lover like mommy as she kicks and  moves inside my belly whenever we have our music time.
Instagram: hatchandlatch
It is also available at Parenting Emporium

How about you? What is your Mommy to be must haves? Share it to us too! 

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  1. Thanks for sharing. I'm 32 weeks pregnant, and I'm looking for a good product to help minimize my stretch marks. Guess Mustela is a good choice. 🙂

  2. sunshine says:

    Congrats Mommy Gwen with your pregnancy 🙂 You may subscribe to my blog so you will be updated with my post especially when you have the baby with you. I am currently catching up with my writing especially when it comes to Arriana's milestone. Will be posting more baby products soon! Have a good day and have a safe delivery!

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