
God’s Letter For Me

Dear Ley,

This morning you may be feeling unloved, worthless, with no special qualities, you may be feeling “plain Jane”, you may feel like you fade into the crowd and are invisible. But don’t let the enemy do that to you. Don’t let Him rob you of the unique person God created in you. Don’t let him make you think too lowly of yourself. There is a saying, “I know I am somebody, because God doesn’t make junk.” Don’t let the enemy make you feel like you are “junk”- useless and not good for anything. That’s a lie, you have been fearfully and wonderfully made and God loves you very much. He has a plan that only you can fulfill. You are somebody; somebody special in the eyes of God; somebody precious and loved by Him.

Have a great day. You are a unique individual created by God who has a special plan in mind for you.



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